Green Event

The Science Festival is a Green Event

In 2023 we would like to go one step further than at the precedent editions! We have decided to organize the festival in a sustainable way and to additionally fulfil the criteria for the award of the logo Green Event. Many thanks to all exhibitors for the positive response and the committed contribution to more sustainability!

Impact on you, visitors

We would like to thank all visitors (school classes, groups and the general public) in advance to adhere to the following points:
  • Plans will no longer be distributed in paper form, they will be available online and large printouts will also be available at various points around the venue.


  • E-tickets will be used for the shows, we ask you to bring them digitally only.


  • Bring your water bottle with you, a water dispenser will be available to refill your bottles.


  • The food trucks and other catering use reusable containers (cups, plates, …) for which a deposit of 1€/piece will be charged. Please remember to bring cash with you.


Impact on the conception of the workshops

We would like to thank all workshop responsibles for their efforts and the great preparation of the interactive stands. The sustainable organisation of the Science Festival should in no way affect the dynamics, the operation or the quality of the activities.
  • The distribution of gadgets/goodies of any kind are prohibited.


  • Limit disposable materials and, if necessary, provide for printouts on recycled paper.


  • Conscientious separation of waste.

Impact on the organisation

We have been trying to reuse material from previous events for years (e.g. separation walls, reuse of t-shirts, adjustment of the number of paper statements, reuse of some advertising tarpaulins, rental of furniture from different suppliers, …). This year we are stepping up our efforts once again:
  • Exhibitors are invited to put on their Science Festival 2021 t-shirts. The newly ordered t-shirts are Oeko-Tex, fair wear and made of organic cotton.


  • Use of certified environmentally friendly cleaning agents.


  • Reduction of printouts, if necessary, environmentally friendly printouts (no distribution of printed sitemaps, sending of various documents/invitations by e-mail,…).


  • Food trucks and other catering offer at least partly organic, regional or fairtrade products.


As in previous editions:


  • Reuse of advertising tarpaulins, tablecloths and partition walls.


  • Furniture provided by Neimënster Abbey, Apex and Luxzelte on a rental basis, avoiding the need to purchase.